
My heart seemed to crack wider and wider open on this retreat. And that seemed to open to something even more extraordinary and beautiful. I can’t really describe how I’m feeling now - expansive, connected, intense, as if something is coursing through me and my heart is brimming over - all the time!  A.B.

“Kate… the space you create here is pristine safe. I’m meeting deepest parts of myself I’ve held onto since childhood. ” D.M.

“The workshop was life-changing. Truly, you have no idea how powerful it was for me. Thank you, Thank you.”


“So this hole was healed and there was no longer anything to come out other than love.”


“We all looked at one at the end of the retreat and said, well, that was a fucking game changer!”


Surrender & Flow
to Jun 1

Surrender & Flow

Surrender is a non-residential exploration into the possibility of surrendering to the flow of each moment, of giving up the battle to live life on your terms and instead surrendering to life’s terms. Exploring the potentials and difficulties you experience, we’ll discover what’s in the way of you giving-in to what’s happening and being open to experiencing where that river takes you.

Timings: 7-10pm Friday May 16th & 10.30 - 6pm Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th 2025.

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The Wounds Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds
to Jul 6

The Wounds Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds

The Wound Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds is a non-residential exploration into the misattunement and subsequent wounding you experienced in early childhood, focusing on the different qualities and effects your experience of your Mum and your Dad have had on your life.

7:00 PM Friday, July 3rd, 2025
6:00 PM Sunday, July 5th, 2025

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The Wound Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds
to Jul 20

The Wound Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds

The Wound Of Love ~ Mother Wounds & Father Wounds is a non-residential exploration into the misattunement and subsequent wounding you experienced in early childhood, focusing on the different qualities and effects your experience of your Mum and your Dad have had on your life.

7:00 PM Friday, July 18, 2025

6:00 PM Sunday, July 20, 2025

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Arguing With Reality
to Sep 7

Arguing With Reality

Arguing With Reality is a non-residential exploration into our relationship with reality. Together, we’ll illuminate why our thoughts are in a perpetual battle with our past, present and future realities and begin to discover the freedom and aliveness available when we can simple accept and open to what is.

Timings: 7-10pm Friday September 5th 2025 & 10.30 - 6pm Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th

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Loving This Precious Life
to Nov 13

Loving This Precious Life

Loving This Precious Life is a week-long residential opportunity in the wilds of Dartmoor to explore your relationship to the fullness of life, to discover, amidst the busy-ness of your daily life, what’s most precious? And then begs the question, Whose life is it anyway?

5:00 PM Friday November 7th 2025
1:00 PM Thursday November 13th 2025

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Dying To Live
to Mar 6

Dying To Live

Dying To Live is a precious week-long residential opportunity in the wilds of Dartmoor - a space to explore your relationship to the emptiness of no-thing, darkness and death. We cannot truly live unless we can include the possibility of death - we cannot die fulfilled unless we’ve truly lived. And then begs the question… Who Dies?

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My Beating Heart
to Jan 12

My Beating Heart

My Beating Heart is a non-residential exploration into the possibility of living the wisdom and power of your heart. Exploring both the potentials and difficulties you experience we’ll discover what blocks and closes your heart and what opens you to love, love for yourself, love for others, love for life.

Timings: 7-10pm Friday January 10th & 10.30 - 6pm Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th 2025.

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I Am Not My Parts
to Nov 10

I Am Not My Parts

I Am Not My Parts is a non-residential exploration into unblending / disidentifying from the parts of ourselves that take over and live us as the fixed perspective of our personality and discovering the freedom and possibility of living in and as a true fluid expression of who you really are.

Timings: 7-10pm Friday November 8th & 10.30 - 6pm Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th 2024.

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Closer Still
to Oct 9

Closer Still

Closer Still is a precious week-long residential opportunity in the wilds of Dartmoor to explore the true nature and felt-sense of Presence - to start close-in to yourself - and closer still - to start here - waking up in and as embodied reality and living this present moment. It’s a precious opportunity to come closer-in, to live the possibility offered through being intimately touched by each moment, intimately touched by yourself, by others, by life.<3

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An Exploration of Masculine &amp; Feminine Essence &amp; Energy
to Jul 21

An Exploration of Masculine & Feminine Essence & Energy

This workshop is a non-residential exploration into the nature of masculine and feminine essences and the potential to be found in embodying the different qualities of each. We’ll explore the potential and ease to be found in connecting to and embodying our own essential nature, the possibility of balancing the different qualities in ourselves, and the joy, nourishment and support to be discovered through relating to others as a play of opposites with people with a different sexual essence, and as a play of similarity with people of the same sexual essence.

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Inner Strength vs Outer Force
to May 12

Inner Strength vs Outer Force

After many years of promising to offer such an event, here it is, an entire weekend dedicated to exploring Inner Strength vs Outer Force (AKA/Playfight Club). This workshop is an opportunity to explore the possibility of connecting to, relating with, and harnessing the potential to found in our inner strength, which, frequently cut off in childhood, can now often be expressed, both personally and culturally, as a toxic, threatening, unhelpful and non-relational display of outer Force.

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The Sound of Silence
to Mar 8

The Sound of Silence

Deeper and longer than the Meeting As Silence retreat in 2022, The Sound of Silence is a week-long retreat in the wilds of Dartmoor. It’s a very precious opportunity to immerse yourself in the nourishing sound of silence and to explore a variety of unique explorations and inquiries to connect with the ever-present dimension of being that is prior to and beyond all of life, the silent, deathless space of being where that small, still voice within, speaks.

I’ll meet you there… Sshhhhh…..

Not suitable for beginners.

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

6 people minimum - £60 per session

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The Pulse of Connection and Space
to Jan 28

The Pulse of Connection and Space

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the possibility of finding safety and pleasure in connection through a deepening awareness of, and value for, the effect of attunement to the natural pulse and play of space in connection.

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

6 people minimum - £60 per session

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The Storm of Emotion
to Nov 26

The Storm of Emotion

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the nature of emotion - to inquire into how easily we get lost in the storm of over-identification with our own and other people’s emotions; relating to them as an enemy, as something to hide, manage, be ashamed of, or project out onto our environment - and then to discover and realise the possibility of emotion purely being the energy of life force in motion.

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Meeting The Matrix
to Sep 6

Meeting The Matrix

Meeting The Matrix - Shadows : Ideas: Projections - is an inquiry into the nature of embodied reality, exploring the possibility that the life we find ourselves living isn’t very real at all, but instead, founded on a shaky matrix of ideas, beliefs, projections. It’s an exploration into how we’re perceiving the nature of reality, where we’re perceiving it from, and the affect of a simple switch in perspective.

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

6 people minimum - £50 per session

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Growing Us Up - Parenting Our Young Parts
to Jul 23

Growing Us Up - Parenting Our Young Parts

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the possibility and practice of growing up our young protective parts and wounded parts, so we might begin relate to life and those we encounter from a present time perspective rather than from the from the tight grip of our early-life history.

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

6 people minimum - £50 per session

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Playfight Club

Playfight Club

After many years of promising to offer such an event, here it is -Playfight Club - a 3-hour opportunity to explore the possibility of connecting to, and relating with, our inner strength, which is frequently cut off in childhood. Connecting to our inner strength is essential for actualising our lives; for fully living our true direction, our creative potential, our capacity to know clearly where our boundaries and responsibilities are. One route to reconnecting to our inner strength, is to first explore our relationship to outer strength. And so, Playfight Club will support the freeing up of stuck energy and attention though Playfighting in a safely supported environment with clear rules and boundaries. Please note: this is not a free-for-all riot - we will work sensitively together to support each person in connecting with their current capacity - for some people just pushing their palms on another’s palm will be stimulating enough - for others their systems are longing for more robust physical expression. All capacities and expressions welcome.

£40 (6 people minimum)

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

6 people minimum - £50 per session

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The Heart of Communication
to Jun 11

The Heart of Communication

This workshop is an opportunity to explore what’s in the way of you living the depth, truth and authenticity you long for in your expression, actions and communication. And then to discover the very simple and real possibility of living from a place whereby your expressions, actions and words are a true expression of your inner world. Because we cannot expect to be fully heard or received if we’re not expressing the truth.

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Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry

Group Inquiry Sessions are a 4-hour opportunity to bring whatever aspects of your personal process and inquiry you’re interested in exploring. The sessions won’t be themed, but together we’ll work together with whatever people bring to the space.

5 people minimum - £50 per session

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Free To Be
to Apr 16

Free To Be

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the possibility of feeling free to be as you are, welcome in the midst of all and every moment of your life, the messy and laborious, the great and the glorious, nothing to fix or change, nothing to sort out or become - an opportunity to touch that place of already enough-ness. This is the end of all effort to be anything other than this… this moment… and this moment… and this moment. Always, already enough.

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Meeting As The Mystery
to Mar 5

Meeting As The Mystery

Meeting As The Mystery is a 4-night residential retreat opportunity, in deepest darkest Dartmoor, to explore and embrace the mystery of being - to relax the control function just enough to taste the wisdom on not-knowing.

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Exploring the Effect of Institutional Conditioning
to Jan 29

Exploring the Effect of Institutional Conditioning

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the effect that school (Day and Boarding), Religious Communities, and other institutions have had on your life. We’ll explore who you had to become to survive the environment, the people, the pressure, the trauma, the abandonment, the rules and routines, the indoctrinations and practices you were forced to accept as normal. We’ll explore how these survival strategies still inform and affect the way you live your life and then realise the potential in discovering your authentic self, free from the habit of institutional conditioning.

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Meeting As Silence
to Nov 11

Meeting As Silence

Deep in the heart of Dartmoor, ‘Meeting As Silence’ is a 4-night, residential retreat opportunity to explore our relationship to silence… to unpack the wounded patterns of behaviour that keep us in a state of constant distraction, and embrace the potential nourishment to be discovered when we dare to dive deep into its mysterious and bottomless depths.

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The Shame Game
to Sep 11

The Shame Game

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the crushing effect that shame has on our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, our creative expression, our choices, and our capacity to fully express ourselves in the world. Together, we’ll reveal the cultural and familial roots of your shame, we’ll tenderly welcome the painful wounds it activates, and explore ways you might relate with it when it arises.

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Strength & Sensitivity
to Aug 21

Strength & Sensitivity

The nature of life is a subtle play of sensitivity and strength, of space and substance. Too much strength and we lose sensitivity, too much sensitivity and we lose the strength to act. This workshop is an opportunity to explore the dynamic at play in you - to discover the possibility for living from a place of sensitivity, whereby you can attune to yourself, to others and to situations you find yourself in, so you might respond from a place of strength with the capacity to act.

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Welcome The Protectors
to May 8

Welcome The Protectors

This workshop is an invitation to meet, explore and welcome the parts of you that tend to react to situations in favour of responding to them. These are the parts that keep us fixed in particular, often unhelpful, patterns of behaviour that limit our expression and inhibit us from living freely and truthfully. Relating to these parts as protectors rather than enemies allows the opportunity to discover the roots of them as the creative, adaptive strategies of our young and overwhelmed child selves. And from here we can begin to relate with these young parts, to discover the early hurts they’re attempting to protect us from, and to begin to heal the wounds that are keeping us in the past.

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Holding On ~ Letting Go ~ Feeling Held
to Mar 6

Holding On ~ Letting Go ~ Feeling Held

Deep in the heart of Dartmoor ‘Holding on ~ Letting Go ~ Feeling Held’ is a 4-night, residential retreat opportunity to dive deep into your life and explore old hurts, joys, memories, traumas, beliefs, conditioning, points of view, people & situations you’re holding onto, why letting go isn’t as simple as you’d hoped, and how it might be to feel so safely held by life that letting go happens naturally.

(Total cost £550 to include all tuition, accommodation & food. Max 12 participants).

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Living This Love ~ With Kate &amp; Daniel (Copy)
to Jan 30

Living This Love ~ With Kate & Daniel (Copy)

Couples & singles welcome, Living This Love is an opportunity to explore the dance of intimate relating in day to day life. My husband Daniel will work alongside me, bringing a gender balance to the space, and we’ll welcome your difficulties in relating with as much enthusiasm as your potentials - together, we’ll explore early attachment styles, sexual polarity, the possibility for healing emotional and sexual trauma through intimacy, and the big question that many people bring to us in our couples work, which is how to be in relationship with another without losing yourself,

By harnessing the heart-opening power of vulnerability you'll discover the possibility for safety, pleasure & fun in intimacy you’ll discover the possibility and potential for greater depth, authenticity & connection in your relationships.


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Living This Love ~ With Kate &amp; Daniel
to Jan 23

Living This Love ~ With Kate & Daniel

Couples & singles welcome, Living This Love is an opportunity to explore the dance of intimate relating in day to day life. My husband Daniel will work alongside me, bringing a gender balance to the space, and we’ll welcome your difficulties in relating with as much enthusiasm as your potentials - together, we’ll explore early attachment styles, sexual polarity, the possibility for healing emotional and sexual trauma through intimacy, and the big question that many people bring to us in our couples work, which is how to be in relationship with another without losing yourself,

By harnessing the heart-opening power of vulnerability you'll discover the possibility for safety, pleasure & fun in intimacy you’ll discover the possibility and potential for greater depth, authenticity & connection in your relationships.


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Open To This
to Nov 14

Open To This

This 2-day workshop is an opportunity to explore the richness and possibility of opening to all of life -welcoming the difficulty as well as the potential, the pain with as much interest and enthusiasm as the joy, your life, and everyone else’s, your death, as well as theirs.

Because if we can’t welcome it all, we find ourselves living in suspension; a kind of half-life where we close around the bits we don’t want, the bits we don’t like - were we contract into ourselves, cutting off from reality. Click image for more details…<3

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