What I Offer

‘I always just say to people - go see Kate... Don't ask why, just do it, she gets 'it.'

‘Kate’s calm understanding really helps me get to the root of the problem.’

‘Kate’s gift is supreme gentleness, she’s real, full of love & spookily insightful!’

‘Kate physically holds me while I shake. Everyone needs this.’

I’ve been in practice since 1996 and during that time have worked with thousands of individuals, couples, kids & teens. My work is a psychological and somatic approach to revealing and integrating developmental & relational traumas, old hurts, cultural, family, religious, educational conditioning that are still affecting you and getting in the way of you living your life. If you decide to work with me, I won’t relate to you as a problem to be solved or something to be healed or fixed - I don’t have an agenda for your life. I will simply be with you human-to-human, holding your hand, as we inquire into the myths and lies you’ve grown to believe about yourself. Together, we’ll untangle the self-limiting patterns of your past and free you from your history. So instead of running like mad from the hurts you've held in your mind and your body, we'll turn around to face them, we’ll scoop them into our arms and give them the big reassuring hug they've been longing for. This will give space for you to reconnect to the depth of inner-peace & pure vibrant love at the source of your being. From here you’ll reclaim your wild & precious life, your innate capacity for love, peace, joy & wellbeing. And as you begin to explore who you truly are, your life will become an authentic expression of that and from here you’ll witness your life unfold in truly mysterious ways.

 I am also a qualified homeopath - so in some cases I might suggest the use of homeopathic remedies to help along the way. Homeopathy is a safe, natural system of medicine that works to unlock our innate capacity for healing, health and well being. It beautifully supports my work, especially when a person’s energy is stuck to the point whereby they’re manifesting physical illness. If you’d like me to prescribe homeopathic remedies please let me know - likewise, if you’d rather I didn’t, let me know too. I respect your choice either way..

 How and Why Did I Get Stuck In the First Place?

The experiences and cultural conditioning of early childhood; of family, school, and society, have a profound and frequently damaging affect on our lives - on our capacity for health, happiness and wellbeing. Deep down, we believe we’re not good enough or loveable enough, and over time these self-limiting beliefs create a filter between us and our direct experience, which means we find ourselves caught in a loop, endlessly bringing the past into the present and on into the future.

When we were young these feelings were so painful a biological drive to secure love, food, and shelter kicked in and we unconsciously fixed our attention on doing all and everything to avoid feeling them. We numbed the pain out and began the process of adapting to our environment, taking on activities we hoped would make us more loveable. We did whatever we could to get the attention we craved, and became good, bright happy girls and boys. We became the helpful one, the funny one, the quiet one, the rebellious one etc. But in doing so, we abandoned the truth of our natural state, of our wild and precious selves. We suppressed our true feelings, emotions, and impulses in favour of presenting this new, more acceptable version. And whilst this is the most creative and loving thing we ever did for ourselves, the affect on the rest of our life has been devastating. What began as a childish activity to secure love, quickly became a habit - the habit became a pattern - the pattern became the fixed identity we eventually called ‘Me’.

But this one who you think you are is nothing more than a stuck pattern on replay that acts out your life in totally predictable ways.

However wonderful and caring your parents were, as a helpless infant you felt anxious and ashamed for having basic needs. So whilst lying in their arms you unconsciously scanned your environment, searching for clues - and abandoning the wisdom of your felt-sense, you asked yourself these simple questions: How do I have to be in order to be loved? What do I have to do to get my needs met? 

And so it was, your identity was born. You simply cobbled together a predictable pattern of behaviour as an attempt to please your family, in the hope they would love and feed you. And because most of the patterns were created before you could talk, you never got to check out what and how your family actually wanted you to be. You just absorbed their responses to your impulses and made it up as you went along. Maybe, like me, you took the, if I'm quiet they'll love me route, or maybe you went for, he who shouts loudest gets heard. Whatever it was, your need for survival was so great you just carried on twisting and bending, moving further and further away from your true nature.

And the difficulty is that these patterns continue to dominate your life, they steal your energy and attention, creating a filter between you and your direct experience, they force you act in ways that silence you and hold you back from the richness of life and the sweetness of love. And until we can find the courage to relate with, and unravel, these patterns our habitual search for love and approval will run our lives - this childish, adaptive activity we call ‘Me’, will continue to act out, projecting its fakery onto every relationship and situation we encounter. And in doing so, we’ll continue to leave our hearts on the doorstep of estranged parents, childhood crushes, and teen romances - in the coffins of those who died and left us bereft. We’ll leave our sexuality in the hands of our abusers and the lips of the lovers that took us and left. Our confidence will sit forever in the pockets of frustrated teachers and fists of bullies who told us we weren’t good enough. Our creativity will shrink in the smirk of the mean girl or boy. Our trust and strength and aliveness will hide in the shadow of parents and siblings who couldn't see us, appreciate us, or validate us in ways that we needed. The very uniqueness and light of our being will remain snuffed out and dumbed down by the bland corridors of familial conditioning, dulled by the avenues of cultural smog.

Every human being creates this bundle of patterns and that finding a way to ensure your survival was the cleverest, bravest, most creative thing you ever did. These patterns aren't your enemy, they served you well, but now it’s time to question - are they serving you still?

Reclaiming Your Wild & Precious Life is a unique opportunity to finally meet your past - to gently relate with the painful memories of a tiny child - to give them the big reassuring hug they've been longing for - so you can finally free yourself from your history, reclaim your life, and live the truth and fullness of who you truly are... and from here witness your life unfold in truly mysterious ways - from here to reclaim your peace, your love, your innate sense of safety, power & freedom, to reclaim your voice, your individuality, your creativity, your spontaneity, wisdom & purpose.

This is my invitation… X

‘Where the wound of Love bleeds and never heals… I’ll meet you there.

-Adi Da